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A PM Skincare Routine Inspired by Your Favorite KPop Star

by Abby C. on November 23, 2022
As usual, we solemnly swear, we were up to something good. This week, we snooped around to see what our favorite K-Pop idols like to use in their skincare routines. This inspired us to create a skincare routine to share with you that consists of the faves (or equivalent) curated by some of our favorite idols. (Yes, you can get them all at Coréelle.)

SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil

Stray Kids Felix swears by double cleansing. He kicks off his skincare routine with a double cleansing session consisting of an excellent cleansing oil and foam cleanser to keep his skin glowy. We chose the SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil to kickstart this routine. Made with only the purest Madagascar centella, you can be sure that this cleansing oil will gently melt away all the makeup and impurities on your skin before moving onto a cleanser.
Bonajour Jeju Milk Soft Foaming Cleanser

TWICE’s Jihyo finds that cleansing milks tend to be gentler on the skin compared to other foam cleansers on the market. We think that she is onto something and have chosen Bonajour’s Jeju Milk Soft Foaming Cleanser as the cleanser to follow up with the oil. This cleanser is made with clean, gentle ingredients and was designed with sensitive skin in mind, to ensure a gentle cleansing session without drying or creating tight skin when used.
The Potions Centella Asiatica Facial Toner

V from BTS has come clean about his combination skin and being prone to breaking out. (Yes, even mega stars like V suffer from pimples.) His secret to keeping his acne in-check though is using a toner with a cotton pad after washing his face. Using a toner with a cotton pad is useful for removing the residue of dirt and makeup that can cause clogged pores. The Potions Centella Asiatica Calming Facial Toner soothes the skin while removing dirt and makeup.
SKINRx LAB MadeCera Cream

Felix and Han like to keep their skin under control using a cream that can improve breakouts and have anti-aging properties. SKINRx LAB’s MadeCera Cream is just the cream that checks off both the criteria. On top of that, we stan all the products of the MadeCera line from SKINRx LAB to keep our skin clear.
House of Dohwa’s Peach Blossom Overnight Mask

Twice’s Momo frequently uses overnight masks to keep her skin hydrated and clear. Always busy with performances and other events, she knows she can count on these masks to help repair and hydrate her skin throughout the night to keep her skin under control during the day. House of Dohwa’s Peach Blossom Overnight Mask is our pick out of all the overnight masks at Coréelle. This deeply hydrating mask can also be used as a cream, making it a really nice, versatile finish to any PM skincare routine.

Who do you stan and what do they use? Get the products we talked about today and more at Coréelle to keep up with all your favorite idols.

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