Exfoliators (12)

Rice Bran Powder Wash 60g

$35.00 30% $24.50

Cica Box

$116.96 23% $90.00

A Rice Start to the New Year

$50.00 42% $28.99

Only 10 left

Yuzu Self Foaming 3 in 1 Cleanser 200ml


Dead Sea Mud No Sebum Mask 50ml

$20.00 15% $17.00

Rice Bran Powder Wash 60g

$35.00 30% $24.50

Natural Mild Clear Nose Pack - Bio Cellulose 5ea

$20.41 10% $18.37

Only 15 left

Daily Safe Blackhead Clear Nose Mask [Step1 3.5g+Step2 3.5g] X10pcs

$20.50 20% $16.40

Indian Glacial Mud Mask & Facial Cleanser

$29.00 10% $26.10

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