Milk Touch

Milk Touch starts from listening to your voice. Listen to that voice in your mind and get ready to unleash your inner self with Milk Touch. Milk Touch allows you to express any look using their long line of high quality cosmetics. By paying attention to even the smallest parts of detail, Milk Touch’s products are sincere and different compared to other cosmetics on the market.

MilkTouch (7)

Milktouch All-day Skin Fit Milky Glow Cushion 15g*2ea

$29.00 30% $20.42

MilkTouch Fairy Jewel Eye Glitter

$16.00 20% $12.80

MilkTouch Touch My Cheek

$18.00 20% $14.40

Only 1 left

MilkTouch Be My Sweet Dessert House

$36.00 20% $28.80

FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g

$42.00 52% $20.00

Milk Touch Hedera Helix Jumbo Pad 130ml

$30.00 23% $23.00

Milk Touch Hedera Helix Relaxing Cream 50ml

$30.00 19% $24.20

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