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Korean Snacks

Ever wanted to try the favorite snacks of your favorite KPop idol or KDrama character? Look no further because we got you covered! Choose from our vast collection of the trendiest snacks in Seoul that we curated just for you. (That’s right, Coréelle doesn’t curate only the trendiest skincare, but the trendiest snacks too!) Stock up and eat along with your favorite KPop idols and stop your stomach from growling during your next KDrama marathon.

Korean Snacks (4)

Only 0 left

Sweet Old Elementary School Dalgona (Handmade Korean Candy) 10g

$3.00 50% $1.50

Only 15 left

Easybab Woori Bibimbap 1ea

$8.00 25% $6.00

HBAF Korean Style Almonds - Baked Corn 40g

$8.00 38% $5.00

Only 12 left

HBAF Korean Style Almonds - Wasabi 40g

$8.00 38% $5.00

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