
In Latin, reverti means to “return back to where it was.” This is the philosophy behind Rovectin, which has its core in love and resilience. Rovectin began when a brother simply wanted to help his sister restore her severely damaged skin from chemotherapy. Through the trust Rovectin has gained across Korea, this brand has become a simple yet vibrant brand that focuses on developing high quality skincare products with restorative qualities and ingredients inspired by nature.

Rovectin (8)

Rovectin Pore Care Tightening Cleansing Foam 150ml

$20.00 30% $14.00

Only 3 left

Rovectin Calming Lotus Cream 60ml

$24.00 17% $20.00

Rovectin Aqua Hyaluronic Essence 100ml

$22.00 15% $18.60

Rovectin Cica Care Spot Balm 40ml

$26.00 12% $23.00

Rovectin Intense Biome Ampoule 30ml

$38.00 16% $32.00

Rovectin Cica Care Clearing Ampoule 30ml

$29.00 10% $26.00

Rovectin Cica Care Balancing Toner 260ml

$24.00 8% $22.00

Only 14 left

Rovectin Aqua Peptide Serum 35ml

$36.00 8% $33.00

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