Dr. Jart+

Founded by dermatologist Dr. Sungjae Lee and architect Chin Wook Lee, Dr. Jart+ is powered by science, and inspired by art. The fusion of dermatological science and art has developed into what the brand represents today with its quality formulas and loud packaging, aiming to create innovative formulas to deliver effective treatment and visible results.

Dr. Jart+ (4)

Only 11 left

Dermask Water Jet Vital Hydra Solution

$8.00 63% $3.00

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Cicapair Cream 50ml

$48.99 14% $42.00

Dermask Micro Jet Clearing Solution 27g

$8.00 38% $5.00

Dermask Ultra Jet Porecting Solution

$8.00 50% $4.00

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