
The escape from the busy life.
Torhop discovers something special from ‘the sauna’, the Finnish traditional steam bath in Novgorod where the history of sauna begins about 2,000 years ago.

Torhop (6)

Torhop Saunan Heating Salt Mask (90g/150g)

$33.50 30% $23.40

Torhop Loyly Green-mud Collagen Mask (90g/150g)

$33.70 40% $20.22

Torhop Musta Conte Changeable Quick Mask 90g

$32.70 50% $16.35

Torhop Facial Mask Brush Lapio 1ea

$14.99 50% $7.50

Torhop Facial Mask Mini Brush Pieni 1ea

$10.30 19% $8.30

Torhop Spa Headband Kupla 1ea

$14.50 40% $8.70

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