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New Arrivals

Newly curated picks by Coréelle that are being loved in Seoul. The list will be updated every week!

New Arrivals (549)

Retinol Serum 30ml

$32.99 30% $23.09

Acne Face & Body Wash 400ml


Healer; Centella Asiatica Essence 50ml

$31.99 30% $22.39

Booster; Peptide Ampoule 50ml

$31.99 30% $22.39

Hydrator; Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule 50ml

$31.99 30% $22.39

The Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30ml

$32.99 40% $19.80

The Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30ml

$32.99 30% $23.09

Mung Bean Wash Off Facial Mask

$20.00 20% $16.00

Rice Bran Powder Wash 60g

$35.00 30% $24.50

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