Blithe’s Beauty Products are designed to be multi-tasking, simplifying complex beauty routines to fit the lifestyle of busy urban women. Blithe introduces a 2-step skincare routine with its innovative "splash products" and pressed serums, which have been recognized globally and introduced in the New York Times and Vogue US.


Patting Splash Mask Face Exfoliator with Soothing & Healing Green Tea

$34.00 37% $21.42

Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga Mushroom Wrinkle Cream

$40.00 10% $36.00

Patting Splash Mask Exfoliating Face Wash Rejuvenating Purple Berry

$34.00 10% $30.60

Vital Treatment 5 Energy Roots

$38.00 10% $34.20

UV Protector Honest Sunscreen 50ml

$26.00 7% $24.30

Inbetween Aurora Second Skin Makeup Setting Spray for Face

$32.00 10% $28.80

Anti Polluaging Cleansing Water with Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

$36.00 10% $32.40

Pressed Serum Gold Apricot Niacinamide Cream For Brightening

$40.00 10% $36.00

Pressed Serum Velvet Wild Yam Root Cream for Dry Skin

$40.00 25% $30.00

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