Positive Hotel

Welcome to the Positive Hotel.

Positive Hotel offers balanced food and lifestyle products for the busy, modern people. Check-in to the Positive Hotel and practice a wellness-driven lifestyle. “The best ingredients, the best technology, and the best combination.” This is the unique philosophy behind Positive Hotel, which aims to pursue unrivaled quality without compromising any of the ideology. The Positive Hotel carefully examines ingredients and raw materials that can be overlooked to curate a wellness experience that is “Positiver.”

Eat Positive. Look Positive.

Positive Hotel (11)

Mediterranean GREEN MINT(7gx14)

$21.00 33% $14.00

Vikini Blend Cacao Glow

$35.00 9% $32.00

Vikini Blend Glossy Berry

$35.00 9% $32.00

Positive Hotel Mediterranean Red Berry (7gx14)

$14.00 14% $12.00

Bounce First Kit (15ea)

$42.00 14% $36.00

Easy Bag Berry Beet (45g x 9)

$32.00 9% $29.00

Positive Hotel Chickpea Cacao Cracker 35g


Positive Hotel Reusable Tote Bag

$8.00 30% $5.60


$25.00 12% $22.00

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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