TEA Collective

In a dynamic city like Seoul where many live busy individualistic lives, Tea Collective aims to utilize 'Tea' as a medium to provide moments of rest, recharge and relaxation for each of us as a part of a "collective".

TEA Collective (17)

Nourish Body Wash 280ml - Artemis

$39.00 20% $31.20

Nourish Body Cream 280ml - Artemis

$39.00 20% $31.20

Nourish Hand Wash 280ml - Artemis

$39.00 20% $31.20

Nourish Hand Cream 70ml - Artemis

$29.00 20% $23.20

Purify Nourish Body Wash 280ml - Junos

$39.00 20% $31.20

Purify Nourish Body Cream 280ml - Junos

$39.00 20% $31.20

Purify Nourish Hand Wash 280ml - Junos

$39.00 20% $31.20

Purify Nourish Hand Cream 70ml - Junos

$29.00 20% $23.20

Tea Collective Artemis Body Care Set (Artemis Body Wash+ Artemis Body Cream)

$78.00 28% $56.00

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