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Our Favorites are Only $3.33 for a Limited Time Only!

by Abby C. on November 23, 2022
Three, three, three, just for me! Our 3.33 deals will have you jumping with glee!
In this very special edition of our editorials, we would like to share with you our top picks for glowy skin in our $3.33 Collection. (If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to check out this amazing collection filled with all your favorites at a price that can’t be beat!) Only available for a short time, we are here to help you stop pondering and spend more time shopping with our guide.
House of Dohwa : Rice Wash Off Facial Mask

If you have been following us for a while, you will be sure to know our obsession with the House of Dohwa Rice Wash Off Facial Mask. This amazing vegan certified rice mask will leave your skin glowy and gorgeous. Originally priced at $20, this product is what every skincare routine needs.
The Potions : Acne Pimple Patch

Initially priced at $19.00, these incredibly thin pimple patches are exactly what you need to help cover and take care of your breakouts. Put these babies on at night and find out for yourself just how amazing these work.
Rich Farmers Organic Liquid Castile Soap : Unscented

Created with a gentle formula, this castile soap is what you need to clean your face, body, dog, and even all the surfaces in your house. Our newest addition has been selling like hotcakes and is loved by those who are looking for an all-in-one that won’t disappoint. Try it today for $3.33 only.
Mellow Touch : No Wash Protein Mist Hair Pack

Looking for something that will take care of your hair without the need to fuss? The No Wash Protein Mist Hair Pack from Mellow Touch is the perfect solution. This easy-to-use spray-type hair treatment will solve your hair problems while you forget about it and go about your day.
Adoreblanc : Rose Blooming Tinted Lip Balm Coral

If what you’re looking for is a tinted lip balm with moisture-boosting ingredients, this lip balm is for you. One swipe and your lips are moisturized for the day.

Get everything you see here and more today at Coréelle. Don't forget to stock up now because this collection will be gone in a blink of an eye.

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