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Salicylic Acid… The Secret to Clear Skin

by Abby C. on September 28, 2022

Scrubs can be nice, but they can also be harsh on your skin, if not used properly.

Looking for the one ingredient that will solve all your skin problems? Look no further, salicylic acid is the ingredient your routine is missing. Salicylic acid is a natural compound in plants with anti-inflammatory properties. The best part of this compound is that it induces exfoliation, making it the perfect ingredient for those suffering from breakouts and acne.

Salicylic acid is best known for its abilities to exfoliate the skin like none other. Thus, it is effective for whiteheads and blackheads by clearing up pores. Clearing up pores reduces the probability of breaking out or getting acne. In this week’s post, we would like to share with you, and only you, the secret ingredient.

The Jioogae Heartleaf BHA Peeling Pad is made with heartleaf, which is a trusted ingredient for exfoliants. This set of pads gently peel away the dead skin cells and impurities on the skin to leave the skin exfoliated and brightened than it was before.
Tocobo’s AHA BHA Lemon Toner is filled with all the ingredients that are needed for exfoliating the skin and also brightening the skin as well with its high levels of vitamin C. This toner gets rid of what your cleanser left behind from dead skin cells to makeup residue.
The SKINRx LAB Acne Clearing Body Wash is one of our all time best sellers. It is no secret that this incredible body cleanser works wonders when it comes to clearing away excess oils and dead skin cells, making it a must-have for those who are prone to breaking out.
The Tiny Pore Serum from OHIOHOO is made with acorn extract, which may be an unfamiliar ingredient to many. However, it has been the secret to clear skin for many centuries in some cultures.

Enjoy all your favorites and more today at Coréelle!

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