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CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
CoréellePURCELL88B/mL L - Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30mlserum
  • New

    88B/mL L-Glutathione Flexible Liposome 30ml

    $37.80 $42.00

    A light-weight ampoule that delivers powerful antioxidant glutathione deep into the skin.

    - This ampoule helps to brighten dull skin tone and prevents pigmentation.

    - This product reduces melanin pigmentation to purify skin condition.

    - This ampoule has a watery texture that absorbs easily into the skin.

    - This product revitalizes the skin complexion and improves skin imperfections and freckles.

    After cleansing and before using toner, apply a moderate amount on the entire skin and gently dab to aid absorption.


    - Glutathione helps slow down the aging process, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

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