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Abib Pine Needle Pore Pad 60 pads

$18.99 $27.00
A set of pore pads made of pine needle extract to care for your pores and impurities.

- This set of pore pads are gentle enough to be used every day.

- This product helps to tighten the pores and prevent pores from looking rough.

- This set of pore pads are made of double sided pads with an embossed side for the rough dead skin cells and a plain side for more intricate areas.

- This product is great for using anytime during the day.

  1. Swipe the embossed side of a pad across entire face to remove impurities and makeup.
  2. Flip and gently swipe across sensitive areas like lip and eyes with a soft cotton side.

Pine Needles

- Pine Needles provide the skin with moisture and brighten dark spots to create smooth, toned skin.

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