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CoréelleCOSRXAcne Pimple Master PatchSpot Patch
CoréelleCOSRXAcne Pimple Master PatchSpot Patch
CoréelleCOSRXAcne Pimple Master PatchSpot Patch
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    Acne Pimple Master Patch

    $3.50 $10.00

    Only 0 left in stock - order soon.

    A pack of acne patch that protects and heals troubled spots, minimizing and preventing further breakouts.

    - Protecting the problematic areas : The spot patch acts as a barrier against bacteria, preventing secondary infection.

    - Intensive Acne Healing Overnight : These masters in healing acne adheres to the skin strongly and does the magic by extracting impurities and reducing redness.

    - Easy & Hygienic to Use : COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch comes in a resealable pouch and sterilized double packaging to keep it sanitary.

    1. Cleanse the area around the problem spot.
    2. Select a bigger size patch than the problem spot and attach the patch to the spot.

    A.D.F. Hydrocolloid Dressing

    - The uniquely developed hydrocolloid material effectively extracts impurities and creates moist environment, which makes the healing process faster.

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