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CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsFighter; Azulene Ampouleampoule
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  • The Potions

    Fighter; Azulene Ampoule

    $8.50 $16.99
    An Azulene ampoule to help calm irritated skin and strengthen the skin barrier from environmental aggressors.

    Due to the nature of Azulene, which has no artificial content and made purely from natural ingredients, exposure to sunlight may cause discoloration, but there is no problem with the product itself and has been verified in all possible tests for safety.
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    - A soothing ampoule with Azulene, otherwise known as Guaiazulene, it helps soothe sensitive skin prone to acne and protect against the effects of free radicals.

    *Due to the nature of Azulene, which has no artificial content and made purely from natural ingredients, exposure to sunlight may cause discoloration, but there is no problem with the product itself and has been verified in all possible tests for safety.

    1. Apply 2-3 drops onto your face, neck, and/or body and gently massage.


    - Azulene is a naturally occurring ingredient distilled from chamomile oil known for its vibrant blue color. Azulene is a well cited ingredient known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Alongside its pain-relaxing functions, it is effective in treating sunburns and light burns to the extent of redness.

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