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CoréelleCOSRXCentella Blemish Cream 30mlcream
CoréelleCOSRXCentella Blemish Cream 30mlcream
CoréelleCOSRXCentella Blemish Cream 30mlcream
CoréelleCOSRXCentella Blemish Cream 30mlcream
  • Vegan

    Centella Blemish Cream 30ml

    $16.00 $34.00
    A blemish eraser that fades and reduces acne scars, wounds, or blemishes on skin.

    - Soothing ingredients, such as Centella Asiatica, help soothe irritated skin and calm inflamed red skin.

    - Spot treatment after a breakout : Apply a thick layer of the cream on the spot where the skin has broken out to prevent a dark acne scar.

    - We kept the ingredient list short and simple and excluded all the unnecessary ingredients that might irritate the skin.

    Take a proper amount of the cream and apply a thick layer on the troubled, blemished spots

    Centella Asiatica Extract

    - Centella Asiatica extract that calms and rejuvenates sensitive skin.

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