Etude House

Double Lasting Cushion Glow 15g

$20.00 $28.90

Only 11 left in stock - order soon.

A lightweight cushion foundation that makes the skin bright and glowy by adhering thinly onto the skin.
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- This cushion is thin enough when applied to provide the skin with a natural finish and does not get cakey even when multiple layers are applied.
- This product has a lightweight, water texture, which gives the skin an instant glow when applied to the skin.
- This product applies lightly on the skin and spreads out evenly to give clean coverage when covering areas of redness and blemishes.

21C1 Petal
- A bright shade with a hint of pink for fair, cool-tone skin.
21N1 Neutral Beige
- A bright shade of vanilla for light, neutral-tone skin.

  1. Gently press the applicator into the foundation cushion.
  2. Apply the foundation onto the face.
  3. Blend the foundation in with gentle downward strokes in a tapping motion.

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