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Etude House

Drawing Eyebrow 0.25g

$2.99 $7.00

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An ultra-thin pencil that fits any hair color with its wide color selection for creating detailed, natural hair-like strokes.
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- The proper combination of high-adhesion plate powder, wax, and oil provides a long-lasting eyebrow.
- Pencil glides smoothly, delivering evenly colored brows even when layered a several times.
- Triangular shaped pencil allows you to draw precisely and easily.
- Delivers natural finish just like your own eyebrow.

[Color Tip]
#1 Dark Brown
- For dark toned, natural brown hair.
#2 Gray Brown
- For dark toned, natural gray brown hair.
#3 Brown
- For medium brown hair with a hint of redness.
#4 Dark Gary
- For dark toned, natural colored hair with no redness.
#5 Gray
- For cool toned hair with no redness.
#6 Ash Brown
- For natural ash colored hair with a hint of brown.

1. Set eyebrow hairs with the help of a brush in the desired direction.
2. With the help of the pencil intensify the brow line and make small lines to imitate eyebrow hairs.
3. Pay the greater attention to the higher part of the eyebrows and especially to the edge of the eyebrow.

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