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Natural Mild Cleansing Oil 200ml

$13.90 $27.79
A cleansing oil that cleans out clogged pores and clears away dead skin cells and sebum to create smooth skin.

- This cleansing oil is created using a light, watery formulation that breaks away from the conventional concept of thick, oily cleansing oils.
- This product instantly gets emulsified upon contact with water for a deep cleansing experience.
- This cleansing oil thoroughly cleanses away blackheads, dead skin cells, and ultra-fine dust.
- This product provides the skin with daily dose of keratin and prevents nutrient loss from face washing.

1. Pump 1 to 2 times onto dry hands.
2. Gently massage over face to dissolve makeup and impurities.
3. Add water to emulsify oil, and continue massaging.
4. Rinse off with water.

Jojoba Seed Oil
- Jojoba Seed Oil penetrates into the skin and delivers essential omegas and vitamins for a nourished, smooth complexion.

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