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CoréellePURCELLPixcell Biom UV Moisturizer 40mlsunscreen
CoréellePURCELLPixcell Biom UV Moisturizer 40mlsunscreen
CoréellePURCELLPixcell Biom UV Moisturizer 40mlsunscreen
CoréellePURCELLPixcell Biom UV Moisturizer 40mlsunscreen
  • New

    Pixcell Biom UV Moisturizer 40ml

    $16.80 $28.00

    A non-comedogenic sunscreen that is suitable for acne-prone skin, containing Pixcell biom™, a patented high-concentrated 20 billion probiotics/ml.

    - This sunscreen is a physical sunscreen that gives protection from UV rays.

    - This product is enriched with Pixcell Biom to protect the skin from strong radiation.

    - This sunscreen is formulated with Zinc Oxide to soothe irritated skin.

    - This product has a moisturizing texture that adheres on skin without pilling.

    Apply before outdoor activity or whenever skin needs SPF protection.

    Check for more details.

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