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Sensitive Bubble Relaxing Cleanser 200ml

$25.82 $28.69
A self-foaming bubble cleanser that creates dense micro-bubbles for a pore cleansing experience like never before.

- This cleanser is created using a serum formula to be hydrating when used even after washing your face.
- This product effectively gets rid of heavy makeup along with ultra-fine dust and blackheads.
- This cleanser contains ingredients that increase the moisturization effects of the product and reduce irritation.
- This product has a slightly acidic formula that brings out the strengths of weak acidity and alkalnity while giving off a refreshing effect.

1. Dispense a moderate amount into your hand.
2. Add water and lather.
3. Massage onto face and neck, avoiding eye area.
4. Rinse with warm water.

Centella Asiatica Extract
- Centella Asiatica Extract is effective in soothing, moisturizing, and alleviating skin damage, dark spots, hyperpigmentation and redness of skin.

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