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CoréelleBonajourSensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300mlBodywash
CoréelleBonajourSensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300mlBodywash
CoréelleBonajourSensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300mlBodywash
CoréelleBonajourSensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300mlBodywash
CoréelleBonajourSensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300mlBodywash
  • Vegan
  • Bonajour

    Sensitive Silky Body Cleanser 300ml

    $21.70 $31.00
    A gentle body cleanser for sensitive skin that soothes and minimizes skin irritation and dryness, while hydrating skin for smooth & silky texture.

    - Natural surfactants. (minimize dryness/irritation)
    - Non-irritating certified product even for children and pregnant women.
    - No skin dryness

    1. Take an appropriate amount on a sponge or a shower towel, lather, massage gently, and wash with lukewarm water.

      Tip) The foam will be minimal because surfactants have been minimized in the formula! For rich foam, use a bubble pouch.

    Coconut Oil

    - Coconut Oil reduces inflammation, keeps skin moisturized and helps heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria.


    - Defensil has an immediate calming effect and reduces redness.

    MultiEx BSASM

    - MultiEx BSASM™ is a safe and effective agent for skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or acne. It consists of 7 kinds of plant extracts. It shows strong soothing, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory efficacies.

    Eco-Cert certified natural surfactant

    - Eco-Cert certified natural surfactant is used to minimize skin irritation and dryness.

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