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Starry Night Perfumed Hand Cream

A luxurious, moisturizing hand cream that provides a silky finish and powerful, yet subtle scent of musk from ylang-ylang and jasmine flower.

- The deep and luxurious notes of musk from top to base allows us to indulge in reminiscence of quiet, starry night, providing a subtle, delicate scent all day long.

- This hand cream leaves skin soft and conditioned as if wearing a silky gloves, providing the most comforting texture and finish for everyone.

- This product is concentrated with moisturizing active ingredients including Shea butter, hyaluronic acid and sunflower seed oil to offer maximum-strength nourishment and moisturization to dry, active hands.

- This hand cream is formulated to absorb quickly and protect against severe dryness, offering a luxurious skin-soothing experience.

  1. Apply a cranberry-sized amount onto hands, wrists and cuticles.
  2. Also can be used on hair for moisturizing and long-lasting scent.

Shea Butter

- Shea Butter softens, conditions and soothes skin, reducing redness and irritation skin for soft, nourished hands.

Meadowfoam Seed Oil

- Meadowfoam Seed Oil helps recreate and strengthen skin's protective barrier to prevent moisture loss.

Sunflower Seed Oil

- Sunflower Seed Oil delivers intense moisture and prevents water loss to alleviate dehydration.

- Sunflower Seed Oil has anti-inflammatory protperties that help lower skin redness and roughness, enhancing the development of new skin cells.

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