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CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Barrier Builder Setkit
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  • The Potions

    The Barrier Builder Set

    $43.00 $52.47
    Did you know that excessive cosmetic treatments and usage of the wrong skin products can actually damage your skin barrier and weaken your skin? Turn to our Barrier Builder Set to protect and strengthen your skin, especially if it has become sensitive due to excessive usage of strong products, unfitting laser treatments, and even everyday exposure to pollutants.
    Please select a product

    Mugwort Water Essence 20ml

    - A light-weight Mugwort water essence to soothe sensitive skin prone to acne and redness with the anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties of Mugwort.

    Vitamin B12 Ampoule 20ml

    - A Vitamin B12 ampoule to help revitalize uneven skin tone and promote firmer-looking skin.

    Q10 Ampoule 20ml

    - An energizing Q10 ampoule to soothe and revitalize uneven skin tones.

    Apply 1-2 drops to affected area only or combine with existing skincare products.


    - Mugwort is a currently a high-demand K beauty skin care ingredient. Its long history in Korea as a “healing herb” stems from generations of culinary, medicinal, and topical use. It has exploded in popularity as a skincare ingredient due to its highly regarded anti-bacterial, inflammatory, and antifungal properties, which kills bacteria and calms inflammation. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, Mugwort also helps build a barrier that helps retain moisture and protect the skin from UV rays.

    Vitamin B12

    - Vitamin B-12 helps prevent signs of aging and smoothes out uneven skin tone by promoting increased cellular turnover. B-Vitamins are essential to strengthening the skins moisture barrier and acts as an anti-oxidant. Vitamin B-12 has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, and also helps condition and strengthen skin.


    - CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone, is a naturally produced enzyme that aids the production of collagen and melanin, helping even out the skin tone and making the skin look healthy.

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