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CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30mlserum
  • New
  • The Potions

    The Potions Ascorbic Acid Ampoule 30ml

    $19.80 $32.99

    An ampoule containing vitamin C that helps manage skin tone by taking care of freckles and blemishes.

    - Ascorbic Acid is known as vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, which prevents melanin production and helps maintain clear skin.

    - The antioxidizing effects of ascorbic acid gives elasticity to weak skin and revitalizes it.

    - Ascorbic Acid effectively induces the production of collagen which determines skin elasticity, and helps prevent skin damage.

    - Vitamin C, one of the most necessary ingredients for the skin, helps to care for skin concerns.

    1. Apply an appropriate amount to your skin and let it absorb.
    2. You can use two or more ampoules together or use it with existing skin care products.

    Click for more information.

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