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CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30mlserum
CoréelleThe PotionsThe Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30mlserum
  • New
  • The Potions

    The Potions Niacinamide + Panthenol Ampoule 30ml

    $23.09 $32.99

    An ampoule containing niacinamide and panthenol that creates clear, balanced skin

    - Niacinamide is a water-soluble vitamin that takes care of saggy pores and creates a smoother skin texture

    - Niacinamide, a brightening functional ingredient, suppresses melanin, purifies the skin, and evens out unbalanced skin tone

    - Panthenol creates firmer skin by strengthening the skin barrier that has been weakened by dryness

    1. Apply an appropriate amount to your skin and let it absorb.
    2. You can use two or more ampoules together or use it with existing skin care products.

    Click for more information.

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