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White Rain Perfumed Hair & Body Mist

A signature-perfumed hair & body mist of Skybottle, bursting with luxurious blend of refreshing, floral scents of early dawn.

- This luxurious mist recalls the freshness of early dawn through refreshing, floral white flower top note, elegant tuberose middle note, and earthy cedarwood base, creating the signature aroma of Skybottle.

- This lightweight hair & body fragrance mist absorbs into skin magically without feeling sticky, leaving skin moisturized and refreshed.

- This mist instantly exudes exquisite blend of floral, addictive and delicate aroma, wrapping your body with seductive yet impressively elegant scent.

  1. Use all over the hair and body anytime, anywhere.

Top Note: Bergamont Green

- A zesty, citrus scent that gives a refreshing, yet rich feeling.

Middle Note: Tuberose Honeysuckle

- A floral yet sweet scent that helps to segue into the base note.

Base Note: Cedarwood

- A woodsy aroma with a rich, warm feeling that lasts all day.

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