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Etude House

Wonder Pore Freshner 250ml

$10.00 $14.00

Only 1 left in stock - order soon.

This toner goes the extra mile after face washing by cleansing the pores and the other impurities missed with an ordinary cleanser. Give your favorite cleanser the extra boost it needs to keep your face clean and refreshed!

- The upgraded Mint Vinegar in the formula helps to provide the pores with a deep cleansing with a refreshing finish.

- Created with a mild formula, this toner does not irritate even the most sensitive of skin and does not leave the skin feeling tight when applied after cleansing.

- This toner deeply cleanses the pores and even gets rid of ultra fine dust particles that remain on the skin after cleansing, reducing the external factors that cause irritation and clogged pores.

- This refreshing toner eliminates excess sebum and dead skin cells to keep pores from getting clogged.

1. After washing your face, pump the product on a cotton pad.
2. Gently wipe across the skin using the cotton pad.

Mint Vinegar
- Mint Vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties to help get rid of the bacteria on the skin, which can prevent inflammation and other painful skin problems.
- Mint Vinegar contains alpha hydroxyl acids, which remove dead skin to create brightened, healthy skin.

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