Bath & Body

Skin is skin! Don’t forget to keep the skin on the other parts of your body healthy too! With our selection of Bath & Body products, keep your skin glowy on every inch of your body.

Bath & Body (58)

Dashing Diva Glaze Gel Nail Attention Blue

$15.50 10% $14.00

Dashing Diva Glaze Gel Nail Sugar Smile

$15.50 10% $14.00

Dashing Diva Glaze Pedicure Sunny Smile

$15.50 10% $14.00

Tea Collective Artemis Set

$146.00 11% $130.00

Tea Collective Junos Set

$146.00 11% $130.00

Tea Collective Junos Body Care Set (Junos Body Wash+ Junos Body Cream)

$78.00 28% $56.00

Blue Agave Fragrance-Free Lip Syrup 10ml

$10.00 20% $8.00

Blue Agave Fragrance-Free Body Butter 290ml

$27.00 20% $21.60

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