JAVIN DE SEOUL is a contemporary cosmetics brand that embraces authentic beauty. Inspired by the dazzling lights of Seoul and the vibrant, modern rhythms of everyday life, our journey began with the creation of our beloved Wink collection, and has evolved into the introduction of Hugging, each product capturing the essence of balance and individuality.

At JAVIN DE SEOUL, we are dedicated to celebrating the authentic beauty of every individual, offering products that not only enhance your appearance but also bring a sense of peace and balance to your life.


JAVIN DE SEOUL Wink Lip Shade Primer 5.5g


JAVIN DE SEOUL Wink Foundation Pact 15g


JAVIN DE SEOUL Wink Eye Shimmer Light 6g


JAVIN DE SEOUL Wink Eye Shade Primer 5.5g


JAVIN DE SEOUL Hugging Skin Tint 55g


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