Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to spend big bucks in order to get big results! For a limited time only, get our best selling products for under $20 and get the results you want without breaking the bank!

BEST UNDER $20 (58)

Pumpkin Wash Off Facial Mask

$20.00 20% $16.00

Cica Acne Gentle Facial Cleanser 110ml

$16.00 25% $11.99

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Acne Pimple Master Patch

$10.00 65% $3.50

Soother; Mugwort Essence

$15.99 38% $9.99

Cica Smooth Peeling Pads

$27.99 30% $19.59

Softener; Jojoba Oil Serum

$15.99 30% $11.19

Saver; Tea Tree Oil Serum

$15.99 30% $11.19

Protector; Probiotics Ampoule

$16.99 47% $8.99

Emergency Kit for Acne-Prone Skin

$75.90 35% $49.33

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