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Change Fit

Change Fit Shake Cocoa


Only 5 left in stock - order soon.

A delicious chocolate flavored meal replacement shake with the rich flavors of chocolate and brown rice to make weight loss fun and delicious.

- This shake is rich chocolate flavored to allow the user to go all out on chocolate without having to worry about the calories.

- This product is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, along with collagen and hyaluronic acid, making this shake the ultimate food to change up your diet.

- This shake has 190 calories, making it an excellent meal replacement designed to help you lose weight and keep it off.

- This product contains dairy, nuts, wheat, and other common allergens, please check the complete ingredients list before making your purchase.

  1. Open the cap of the pouch.
  2. Add 150ml of water to the powder.
  3. Shake and enjoy.

Click “View All” for full ingredients

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