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CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
CoréelleBonajourRose Stemcell Creamcream
  • Vegan
  • Bonajour

    Rose Stemcell Cream

    $25.20 $36.00
    A moisturizing cream containing a high-concentration of rosa centifolia flower water which provides lasting revitalization and rosa damascena callus extract which supports strengthening skin into a healthier complexion.

    - This cream is created using a 100% vegan formula and does not contain any artificial fragrances and the subtle scent of rose comes from the real rosa centifolia flower water in the formula.
    - This product adds vitality, elasticity, and moisture to dry, dull skin when used on the skin.
    - This cream is effective in removing dead skin cells and has been clinically proven to decrease dead skin cells by 18.7% in 2 weeks.
    - This product has anti-aging effects on the skin and has been clinically proven to decrease fine lines and wrinkes by an average of 5% in 2 weeks.

    Best to use in the last step of skincare routine. Take an appropriate amount and apply to the skin. Then, gently tap for better absorption.

    Damask Rose

    - Damask Rose has anti-inflammatory, soothing and cooling properties which aid in stress-related conditions, reducing signs of aging, minimizing the appearances of fine lines and scars, and deeply hydrating the skin.

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