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CoréelleTorhopTorhop Spa Headband Kupla 1eamask
CoréelleTorhopTorhop Spa Headband Kupla 1eamask
CoréelleTorhopTorhop Spa Headband Kupla 1eamask
CoréelleTorhopTorhop Spa Headband Kupla 1eamask
  • New
  • Torhop

    Torhop Spa Headband Kupla 1ea

    $8.70 $14.50

    A facial wash band that gently wraps around the head to keep hair from falling down whilst getting ready.

    - This headband is free sized and looks good on any head shape.

    - This product is made with an elastic band, covering fine hair.

    - The soft microfiber fabric is non-irritating and easy to use when washing your face, applying makeup, or using a sheet mask.

    - This headband is designed to fit most people and is made of flexible and stretchy material.

    Place on the head while putting on makeup, at the spa, or when washing the face for convenience.

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