House of Dohwa is an all-natural, vegan, clean beauty brand aiming to reintroduce Korea’s traditional skin-care methods to the world. The main ingredient is rice bran extract, domestically harvested from Korean rice, preserved for over hundreds of years.

House of Dohwa (33)

Bran New Glow

$68.99 13% $59.99

Bran New Skin Set

$68.99 13% $59.99

Mung Bean Wash Off Facial Mask

$20.00 20% $16.00

The No Grainer Set

$97.98 24% $73.99

House of Dohwa Travel Kit

$25.00 20% $20.00

Rice Essentials

$181.98 23% $139.99

House of Dohwa Sheet Mask Pouch 1ea

$3.00 50% $1.50

Rice Bran Bath Bomb 120g

$21.00 20% $16.80

Dohwa Day n' Night Set

$64.00 23% $48.99

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