Dermask Water Jet Vital Hydra Solution

$3.00 $8.00

Only 15 left in stock - order soon.

A cellulose sheet mask that provides a burst of hydration, leaving skin replenished and moisturized with water drops.

- This Vital Hydra Solution Mask is made with fine cellulose fiber to help key ingredients penetrate deeply for powerful hydration.

- It contains aquaxyl and xylitol to enhance moisture retention and strengthen the skin's barrier by preventing water loss.

- Oligo-hyaluronic acid and algae extract supports moisturization to keep skin looking and feeling hydrated and completely refreshed.

  1. Remove film and apply mask over cleansed face. Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes then remove gently. Do not rinse. Massage remaining serum into skin and follow up with moisturizer.


- Derived from plant glucose; replenishes and protects vital moisture in your skin.


- Hydrates and strengthens skin barrier by preventing water loss.

Oligo-hyaluronic Acid

- Supports moisturization.

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