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BT21 Minini Happy Flower Hair Clip 1pc

$9.00 $15.00

Only 4 left in stock - order soon.

A hair clip with an adorable BT21 character and a flower to keep your hair from being in your way.
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- This hair clip is of a BT21 character, allowing the user to show off their Army love while keeping their hair in place.

- This product is lightweight and does not feel heavy or irritating when placed on the hair.

- This hair clip firmly clips onto hair to make sure that hair does not fall out of place or cause hair to look like a mess.

- This product comes in 7 different styles, each representing a different BT21 character.

  1. Remove the product from the packaging.
  2. Take the back part of the clip and pinch until the clip opens.
  3. Clasp the area of hair that needs to be clipped.

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