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BT21 Picnic Tarpaulin Bag

$20.00 $50.00

Only 13 left in stock - order soon.

A tarpaulin bag with the BT21 characters on a picnic to brighten your day as you carry your groceries or other favorite things.

- This bag is made using sturdy tarpaulin material to carry even heavy items without the bag ripping or breaking.

- This product has picnic BT21 characters drawn on the outside to brighten one’s day as they carry their favorite items.

- This bag is made with lightweight, yet durable tarpaulin, to make carrying items easier and more convenient.

- This product is 39.5cm (l) x 23.5cm (w) x 19.5cm (h), making it ideal to carry groceries, books, or other everyday items.

Put in your favorite items and carry the product using the handles on the side.

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