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Logically Skin

AC Target Cream 30ml

$25.00 $26.00
A spot treatment that quickly and effectively fight, reduce, and care skin troubles for spotless skin.

- This spot treatment help reduce blemishes, redness, and acne based on the Autophagy mechanism.

- The product helps prevent breakouts and fade acne scars, leaving with spot-free, bright complexion.

- The product recovers and strengthens weakened lipids and barriers without dehydrating the skin.

- The product is efficacy tested for its performance in calming and relieving acne-prone, irritated skin.

1. Apply a moderate amount to troubled areas for intensive care.

2. Gently pat for full absorption.

3. For day care, apply a thin layer for a follow up makeup routine.

4. For bedtime care: apply a thick layer on troubled areas.

Sebodulin 5000ppm 2%

- Sebodulin represses excess sebum secretion and inflammation through the Autophagy mechanism.

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