CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti - Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti - Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréellebyCoréellebyCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi BalmMulti-Balm
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  • byCoréelle

    byCoréelle X DREAMCATCHER WATER Multi Balm (Gahyeon & Handong's Pick)


    byCoréelle's WATER Multi-Balm Stick with Dreamcatcher

    - Hyaluronic acid protects the moisture on the skin and keeps skin hydrated.

    - Jojoba seed oil moisturizes the skin without irritation and keeps sebum under control.

    - Can be reapplied indoors or outdoors, even with makeup on.

    - Conveniently created in the form of a balm stick for quick and easy remedies throughout your busy daily life.

    - All customers will receive 1 random Dreamcatcher member photo card with the purchase of a multi-balm stick set.

    - Turn the bottom of the stick for the product to be at the top of the stick and apply an appropriate amount to areas where wrinkles or blemishes are concerned on the face and neck.

    - You can apply the product according to your concerns for each skin area, such as around the eyes, between the eyebrows, around the mouth, nasolabial folds, and neck care.

    - This product can be carried and used at any time, regardless of whether before or after the application of makeup.

    Jojoba Oil

    - Jojoba Oil is very similar to human sebum, so it forms a thin, non-greasy lipid layer and sebum layer and helps control skin moisture.

    - Jojoba Oil maintains moisture retention for long periods of time, creating elastic, smooth, and soft skin.

    - Jojoba Oil, which is similar to the skin's epidermis, boasts the ability to spread and penetrate into the skin at the same time it is applied to the skin.

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