CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Fresh Herb Origin Toner Pad 180MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Fresh Herb Origin Toner Pad 180MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Fresh Herb Origin Toner Pad 180MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Fresh Herb Origin Toner Pad 180MLSkincare Pads
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    NACIFIC Fresh Herb Origin Toner Pad 180ML

    $12.47 $24.93

    Achieve glass-like skin with just one pad! From pore concerns to improved skin texture and radiant glow, this toner pad is all you need to get it.

    - This toner pad is formulated using Tannin Complex for effective pore management.

    - This product has undergone clinical testing and has been tested safe for use on sensitive skin.

    - This toner pad has an embossed side that gently removes dead skin cells and impurities and a smooth side that provides hydration and improves skin texture.

    - This product is designed to offer both cleansing and moisturizing care with just one pad.

    1. Use it in your morning and evening routine. After cleansing your face, use the toner pad to gently wipe the entire face, excluding the eye area, following the direction of your skin’s texture.
    2. Place the pad on areas that need hydration and refreshment, leave it for 3–5 min for targeted care.
    3. After use, tightly close the lid to prevent the pad from drying out.

    Tannin Complex

    - Tannin Complex takes care of the pores on the skin.

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