CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
Revitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
CoréelleThe PotionsRevitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampouleampoule
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  • The Potions

    Revitalizer; Vitamin B12 Ampoule

    $11.89 $16.99
    A potent, vitamin-charged ampoule to brighten and revitalize uneven skin tone for firm-looking skin.
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    - This vitamin-charged ampoule formulated with hyaluronic acid aids in topical absorption.

    - The formula is rich in Vitamin B12 which helps target the signs of aging and promote a more even-looking skin tone with increased cellular turnover. As a potent antioxidant, they are essential in strengthening skin's protective layer.

    1. Cleanse your face and complete any toner-type steps.

    2. Mix 1-3 drops of the ampoules. For an enhanced effect, mix with cica complex cream mixer or aqua gel cream mixer and/or other ampoules based on your needs or our Mixology Recipes on our instagram.
    3. Gently dab the product onto your face, neck and/or body and gently massage for full absorption.
    4. Ampoules can be applied separately without mixing. In this case, apply on the skin in the order of lightest to heaviest, water based to oil based. Allow the product to fully absorb into the skin before applying the next layer.

    Vitamin B-12

    - Vitamin B-12 helps prevent signs of aging and smoothes out uneven skin tone by promoting increased cellular turnover. B-Vitamins are essential to strengthening the skins moisture barrier and acts as an anti-oxidant. Vitamin B-12 has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, and also helps condition and strengthen skin.

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