The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp
  • New
  • The Petite Club

    The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp

    $14.99 $20.50

    Achieve flawless, salon-quality nails at home with The Petite Club UV Gel Nail Lamp, designed for perfect curing every time!

    This product consists of the following:

    - UV Light

    - Charging Cable

    - This product has a high-performance UV light for quick and even curing.

    - This product is compact and portable, which is perfect for self gel nail care.

    1. Clean and remove oil on your nail.
    2. Pick a sticker that fits nail size.
    3. Starting from the inside of a nail, firmly press the sticker to make it stick.
    4. Gently fold the leftover part and grind with a buffer.
    5. Cure for 45 seconds using gel nail lamp.


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