CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
CoréelleTXT[TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]Album
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    [TXT] TOMORROW X TOGETHER 4th Mini Album [minisode 2: Thursday's Child]

    $19.60 $24.50

    Only 12 left in stock - order soon.

    Experience the intense emotions of first love and heartbreak with TXT's "minisode 2: Thursday's Child"—a journey of denial, longing, acceptance, and growth

    Initial Release Date : May 9, 2022

    - The outer case is used for protecting the goods and damages on the box cannot be compensated.

    - The sales volume of this product is applied 100% in the charts on Apple, HANTEO, Circle, and Music Bank K, helping TXT directly for awards and charts.

    *Please kindly note that the version will be sent out randomly.

    -We do not accept any returns for books, magazines, or any other printed product unless the received product is severely damaged at the time of delivery(EX : tear, scratch)
    - There may be dented corners and cannot serve as a reason for returns since the product is made of paper and can have minor damage due to the long delivery from Korea to your country.
    - Please note that we are trying our best when packaging but we cannot cover the possibility of minor damage.



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