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CoréellePOSITIVE HOTELVikini Blend Cacao GlowShake
CoréellePOSITIVE HOTELVikini Blend Cacao GlowShake
CoréellePOSITIVE HOTELVikini Blend Cacao GlowShake
CoréellePOSITIVE HOTELVikini Blend Cacao GlowShake
  • Best

    Vikini Blend Cacao Glow

    $32.00 $35.00
    Vital vitamin, plant-based premium cereal.

    ✔ A balanced diet of whole grains and vegetable protein! NO Processed oil, whey protein, sugar, shellac, sugar processing.

    ✔ Sweet without worrying about sugar with low-sugar sweetener Lucuma, Healthy with Pea Protein and PH Protein Choco Ball

    ✔ Satiety UP with cacao, berry, and matcha flavor

    ✔ Selected by top celebrities who symbolize health and beauty

    Glow Beauty Recipe
    Glow granola mix + Cacao + Protein Choco + Lucuma

    Step1. Shake the bag to mix the contents and spread 1.5 scoops (about 50g) with the included scoop.

    Step2. Pour 100~150ml of the beverage of your choice (water, milk, almond milk, etc.)

    Step5. Stir well and enjoy a delicious and healthy meal. (You can also eat it with fruit.)

    Glow granola mix + Cacao + Protein Choco + Lucuma

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