CoréelleHaruharu WonderBlack Rice Facial Oil 30mlserum
CoréelleHaruharu WonderBlack Rice Facial Oil 30mlserum
CoréelleHaruharu WonderBlack Rice Facial Oil 30mlserum
CoréelleHaruharu WonderBlack Rice Facial Oil 30mlserum
  • Vegan
  • Haruharu Wonder

    Black Rice Facial Oil 30ml

    $23.10 $33.00
    A facial oil that is lightweight and perfectly blended to be fast-absorbing when applied.

    - This oil helps to achieve a healthy glow while targeting multiple skin concerns.

    - This product creates a powerful protective barrier on the skin to help prevent moisture loss.

    - This oil comes in two different sizes : 10ml and 30ml.

    - This product is suitable to be used by all users, including those who do not enjoy the feeling of heavier oils.

    1. Apply a thin layer as the last step in your routine. Lightly massage several drops all over face in upward circular motion, avoiding the immediate eye area.

    Black Rice

    - Black Rice helps to calm irritated skin and clarify the skin’s complexion by providing the skin with protective antioxidants.

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