CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Applephenon Green Apple Diet (14 tablets / 14 days)Health Supplement
CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Applephenon Green Apple Diet (14 tablets / 14 days)Health Supplement
  • New
  • Vegan
  • SkinnyLab

    SkinnyLab Applephenon Green Apple Diet (14 tablets / 14 days)

    $18.40 $23.00

    A diet pill made of applephenon to help with weight loss.

    - This diet pill is a health functional supplement that helps to reduce body fat.

    - Skinny Lab is the Number One diet supplement on Naver Shopping.

    - This product is made of ingredients that have been approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

    Take 1 packet once a day, 30 minutes before having a meal


    - Applephenones are 250 times more concentrated that green apples and contains 10 times more polyphenols compared to regular apples.

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