Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Eye Cream 20mlcream
Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Eye Cream 20mlcream
Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Eye Cream 20mlcream
Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Eye Cream 20mlcream
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  • mixsoon

    mixsoon Bean Eye Cream 20ml

    $24.00 $30.00
    A non-sticky eye cream that provides deep hydration with rich amino acids and phytoestrogen.

    - A rejuvenating, non-sticky eye cream is crafted for profound hydration and moisturizing benefits.

    - This product is enriched with soybean amino acids & phytoestrogen to enhance skin elasticity, diminish fine wrinkles, and visibly illuminate the eye region.

    - Delicate in texture, this product offers enduring nourishment to skin, leaving it feeling light and transparent.

    1. Apply after using essence/serum/ampoule around your eyes.
    2. Massage around eyes and tap the area gently for better absorption.

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